If you have PCOS will not have children?

Hello, We are discussing today If you have PCOS will not have children? PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a major health problem for women all over the world. Research shows that 1 in 10 women have this problem. Women suffering from PCOS suffer from many embarrassing physical problems including irregular periods, skin darkening, weight gain, acne and warts, unwanted facial hair, hair loss, and thinning. Women of any age can be affected. However, women of reproductive age or between 15 and 45 years of age are more affected.

What causes PCOS?

It is a hereditary and hormonal problem. This problem occurs when the male hormone androgen in a woman’s body increases more than normal. Due to the increase in this hormone, women have problems with ovulation or ovulation every month. Once ovulation stops.

Complications are varied

PCOS is a metabolic problem. These women have insulin resistance or dysfunction. As a result, if not treated in the long term, complications such as type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, fatty liver disease, endometrial cancer or uterine cancer, anxiety, etc. may occur. PCOS is one of the main causes of infertility.

PCOS and pregnancy

Women suffering from PCOS suffer from infertility due to problems in the release of eggs from the ovaries or ovulation every month. Many women with PCOS believe they will never have children. But if the weight can be reduced to near the ideal weight and menstruation can be regularized through treatment, ovulation is possible again. As a result, the chances of giving birth also increase. Apart from this, there are various treatments to mature or enlarge the eggs, which should be taken with the help of a specialist doctor. But the first thing that needs to happen is lifestyle changes and weight loss.

How to change your lifestyle

  • Make it a habit to walk regularly for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Follow a balanced diet. Reduce sugary or carbohydrate foods and eat protein and fiber foods.
  • Add plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables to your diet.
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • Avoid junk food, fast food, and high-calorie food like ice cream, cake, dessert, and chocolate.
  • Take dinner in the evening, which should be eaten at least four hours before bedtime.
  • Can’t wake up at night. Discipline should be followed in living.
  • lose weight Loss belly fat.

Do people with PCOS not have kids?

Having PCOS doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant. PCOS is one of the most common, but treatable, causes of infertility in women. In women with PCOS, hormonal imbalances interfere with the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries (ovulation). If you don’t ovulate, you can’t get pregnant.

What percentage of people with PCOS can have kids?

About 75% to 80% of women with PCOS will ovulate after CC, and a conception rate of 22% per cycle has been reported. This discrepancy between ovulation and pregnancy rates is thought to be related to the anti-estrogenic effect of CC on endometrial receptivity and cervical function.

What are the chances of having a baby with PCOS?

Give yourself the best possible chance. Wondering what’s the best age to get pregnant with PCOS? Generally speaking, women under the age of 35, have about a 25% chance of conceiving in the first month of trying and around an 85% chance in the first year.

Can PCOS go away naturally?

There is currently no cure for PCOS, and it does not go away on its own. Even after menopause, women with PCOS often continue to have high levels of androgens as well as insulin resistance. This means that the health risks associated with PCOS are lifelong. According to Dr.

How can I fight PCOS?

1. Stay at a healthy weight. Weight loss can lower insulin and androgen levels. It also may restore ovulation. …
2. Limit carbohydrates. High-carbohydrate diets might make insulin levels go higher.
3. Be active. Exercise helps lower blood sugar levels.

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